Decolonization and Indigenous Rights Resources
An entirely non-exhaustive list of resources that I (as a settler scientist) have found useful…
Incredible Indigenous Folks/Organizations to Follow (Have I mentioned this list is not exhaustive?!)
Losang Rabgey, Tashi Rabgey, and Machik
Scholarly Articles/Books (list in development…)
Adams, W. M., and M. Mulligan. 2003. Decolonizing nature: strategies for conservation in a post-colonial era. Earthscan, London, UK.
Berkes, F. 2012. Sacred ecology: traditional ecological knowledge and management systems. Routledge, London, UK.
Brave Heart, M. Y. H., and L. M. DeBruyn. 1998. The American Indian holocaust: healing historical unresolved grief. American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research 8(2):60-82.
Brown, F., and K. Brown. 2009. Staying the course, staying alive. Biodiversity BC, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
Smith, L. T. 1999. Decolonizing methodologies: research and Indigenous peoples. Zed Books, London, UK.
Reid, A. J., Eckert, L. E., Lane, J. F., Young, N., Hinch, S. G., Darimont, C. T., ... & Marshall, A. (2020). “Two‐Eyed Seeing”: An Indigenous framework to transform fisheries research and management. Fish and Fisheries.
Ban NC, Frid A, Reid M, Edgar B, Shaw D, and Siwallace P. 2018. Incorporate Indigenous perspectives for impactful research and effective management. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2(11): 1680– 1683. PMID: 30349090 DOI: 10.1038/s41559-018-0706-0
Housty WG, Noson A, Scoville GW, Boulanger J, Jeo RM, Darimont CT, et al. 2014. Grizzly bear monitoring by the Heiltsuk people as a crucible for First Nation conservation practice. Ecology and Society 19(2): 70. DOI: 10.5751/ES-06668-190270
Manuel A, and Derrickson RMGC. 2015. Unsettling Canada: a national wake-up call. Between The Lines, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Nadasdy P. 1999. The politics of TEK: Power and the “Integration” of Knowledge. Artic Anthropology, 36(1): 1–18.
Blog Posts and Other Media
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
All My Relations Podcast - Matika Wilbur and Adrienne Keene
Reciprocity in the Age of Extinction - Rena Priest
Seattle Is a City of Literature, But This Has Long Been a Place of Stories - Rena Priest
You’re Not the Indian I Had in Mind - Jess Housty
How the Wet’suwet’en Crisis Could’ve Played Out Differently - Stephanie Wood in The Narwhal
Want to Save BC Salmon? Bring Back Indigenous Fishing, Study Says - Stephanie Wood in The Narwhal
UN Council Rebukes Canada for failing to get Indigenous Peoples Consent for Industrial Projects - Sarah Cox in the Narwhal
As a less science-centric but still critically-important “passion project”, I am engaged in a personal journey towards confronting and overcoming internalized misogyny publicly. I am inviting amazing women to join me in this collective journey towards powerful reclamation on